Conference Call

October 7,  2003

11:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.  (EDT)


11:00 a.m. Call to Order

Review agenda


Dr. Lumpkin
11:05 a.m. ACTION:      Approve NHII Letter – Internet Technology Dr. Lumpkin
11: 10 a.m. Discussion Topic(s)—   Quality Workgroup “Questionnaire” Mr. Hungate
11: 20 a.m. Planning for November 5-6, 2003 Meeting

ACTIONS Expected: 

  • Subcommittee on Standards & Security
    • ICD-10 CM   Letter
    • PMRI Report
  • Subcommittee on Populations
    • National Child Health Longitudinal Study – Letter
    • Status of Populations Report
  • Quality Workgroup— Quality Report

PRESENTATIONS/ Discussion Items

  • Summary Health Measures – Update  (Sondik)
  • NCHS Update  (Sondik)
  • NCHS Board of Scientific Counselors Meeting (Oct 10th)
  • CDC Futures Initiative – Role for NCVHS,  Invite Dr. Gerberding?
  • Draft of HIPAA 2003 Report  to Congress
  • Information Panel—National Child Health Longitudinal  Study (NCLS)
  • CHI Update
Dr. Lumpkin
12:10 p.m. Executive Subc Retreat – November 21st

Discuss 2003 Accomplishments/ Goals  and 2004 Plans

Review Effectiveness of  Letters, Reports and Recommendations — Overview

  • Recognizing NCVHS Accomplishments
  • Strategic Planning  — Future Goals
  • NCVHS cross cutting issues
  • Joint Subc/Workgroup interconnections to address cross-cutting issues
  • Optimizing NCVHS Effectiveness
  • Coordinating with NCHS BSC
  • Alignment with DHHS Objectives
  • Follow-up  Quality Workgroup Report/Recommendations
  • Planning for Starfield/Friedman presentation – 21st Century
  • New Procedures for pre-review of documents by Exc Subc.
  • Logistics of agenda book production – Deadlines
  • Alternate Meeting Site Locations– CMS, NCHS etc
  • NCVHS Vice Chair/ attendance at HHS Data Council and related meetings

Subcommittees and Workgroups—

  • Executive Subcommittee
    • NHII Workgroup— status of NCVHS Role in Consolidated Health Information (CHI)
  • Subcommittee on Standards and Security
  • Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Subcommittee on Populations
    • Minority Health Statistics/Race and Ethnicity
    • Workgroup on Quality
Dr. Lumpkin
12:45 p.m. Future NCVHS Meeting Agendas

  • March 4-5, 2004
  • June 16-17, 2004
  • Sept 22-23, 2004
  • November 3-4, 2004

Subcommittee and Workgroup Meetings:

  • Executive Subcommittee
  • Ex. Subc Retreat  November 21st      Princeton, NJ
  • NHII Workgroup
  • Standards & Security
    • October 28-30, 2003
    • December 9-10, 2003
    • January 27-28, 2004
    • March 30-31, 2004
    • May 25-26, 2004
  • Privacy
  • November 19-20, 2003
  • February 3-4, 2004
  • Populations -November 14-15   (San Francisco,  CA)
  • Quality Workgroup
Dr. Lumpkin
1:00 p.m. Adjourn

October 15, 2003

NOTE:  Conference call will be recorded and transcribed.