Presentation-PH Access to Race and Ethnic Data During the COVID-19 Response-Glen Mays
Presentation-PH Access to Race and Ethnic Data During the COVID-19 Response-Glen Mays
Presentation-PH Access to Race and Ethnic Data During the COVID-19 Response-Glen Mays
Presentation-Uncertainty in Demographic and Socioeconomic Data-David Van Riper and Seth Spielman
Presentation-Introduction-Covid Race and Ethnicity Data Expert Panel-Vickie Mays
Transcript-Full Committee Meeting-January 25, 2022
Presentation-Federal Race Ethnicity Data in the Era of COVID-19-UCLA-Vickie Mays
Presentation-CyberSafety in Healthcare Delivery-Iamthecalvary-Joshua Corman
NCVHS January 24-25 2021 tentative agenda (as of Jan 19 V2) 508
Presentation-Standards Subcommittee Update-Rich Landen
Presentation-Standards-NCVHS and PHDS Task Force-Denise Love
Presentation-Standards-NCVHS-HITAC ePA Task Force-Tammy Banks