National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS)

Subcommittee on Standards

CIO Forum

May 17, 2018

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Janet Norwood Conference and Training Center

Postal Square Building, 2 Massachusetts Ave, NE, Room G440

Washington, DC 20212

Printable PDF Agenda


This CIO Forum will continue the Committee’s work to obtain stakeholder input into the current challenges regarding the update, adoption and implementation of health care administrative standards and operating rules. The Committee’s overarching objective is to help foster a “Predictability Roadmap” which seeks to improve the visibility into and increase the pace of change of the standards process. As a continuation of this effort, NCVHS is convening a group of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) who work with the standards and operating rules as end users and with leaders from the health care technology field. Agenda topics will include identification of changing business and technology needs specifically as they pertain to the standards adopted under HIPAA and ACA such as claims, eligibility, referrals and authorizations, and operating rules. Topics related to the predictability roadmap challenges will include the standards development and update process; governance and oversight of the standards review process; the Federal regulatory process to adopt new versions of standards; data harmonization; and inclusion of non-covered entities under HIPAA. Stakeholder input generated at this meeting will be considered to further inform the Committee’s predictability roadmap leading toward a letter outlining recommendations to the HHS Secretary.