Subcommittee on Populations Planning Meeting

July 24, 2003

Hubert Humphrey Building
Room 425
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Thursday, July 24

9:00 – 9:05 a.m. Call to order and Introductions Dr. Vickie Mays, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.,Chair
9:05 -9:30 a.m. Review of the process, products, and timetable:

  • What are the issues for this letter
    • How comprehensive are the recommendations
      • Only on the targeted surveys
      • Populations issues
      • Collection of data also in larger venue population based…health plans (federal/private)
    • Characterization of the Survey?
      • Targeted Populations surveys
      • Priority Populations
      • Family of Community Survey
      • Geographic or Area Surveys
    • Subpopulations for the Surveys
      • Racial/Ethnic Classification Post Census
      • Implications of Multiple Race
      • Feasibility for groups
Conference Call Participants
Harvey A. Schwartz, Ph.D., AHRQ
Jennifer Madans, Associate Director, NCHS
Jacqueline Lucas, Ph.D., NCHS
Susan Queen, Ph.D., HRSA

Subcommittee and Staff

9:30-10:30 a.m. Review of the letter and report scope:

  • Change in format, scope or focus
    • Move away from Healthy People 2010—HHS Strategic Plan
    • Cut in size..where /what?
    • Reduce recommendations or better organization or them better
Olivia Carter-Pokras, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
10:30-11:15 am. Consultation on small area/geographic area Targeted population studies:

  • Rational and refinement of the concept of the surveys
  • demonstrated benefit and tie in HHS Strategic Plan
  • feasibility for which groups
  • special needs of these surveys (language, community collaboration, funding
Vicki Burt, NHANES

Marcie Cynamon, SLAITS

Bill Davis, NCI-SEER

Raynard Kington, Deputy Director, NIH

11:15-12:00 p.m. Committee, staff and guest will discuss the issues
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:45-1:50 p.m. Letter Revision Subcommittee and Staff
1:50-2:00 p.m. Break
2:00-3:45 pm. Reorganize Report Subcommittee and Staff
3:45:4:30 p.m. Discussion on:

  • Review timetable, process and assignments
  • Decision on AI/NH/AN report
  • Review Conference Call Schedule\
  • Date for submission to Executive Subcommittee
  • Corresponding Liaison Assignment of the issues
Subcommittee and Staff
4:30-4:45 p.m. Wrap up and Adjourn Vickie Mays, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., Chair

For members and staff participating by phone, please call this toll free number: 1-877-939-8305, participant pass code: 278561. If you encounter any problems getting on the call, please call Marietta Squire at 301-458-4524.

Times, topics and speakers are subject to change. For final agenda, please call 301-458-4200 at NCHS or visit NCVHS Home Page at