National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Subcommittee on Privacy & Confidentiality

Conference Call

February 20, 2002
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern Time

10:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction Mark Rothstein, J.D., Chairman
10:05 a.m. Discussion

I. Marketing Issues

  • A. Whether the current structure of marketing coverage under the rule generally should be continued.
    • 1. Currently, health-related marketing is considered a part of health care operations (and therefore subject to the one-time general consent) if it is (1) face-to-face, (2) involves only items of nominal value, or (3) complies with the provisions for third-party marketing (including disclosure and “opt-out” requirements).
    • 2. Possible changes:
      • a. Return to the position of the NPRM, under which no marketing activities would be permitted without a prior authorization.
      • b. Permit all marketing without prior authorization (and not just the 3 exceptions)?
  • B. Consideration of various specific recommendations that, if adopted, would revise or clarify provisions under any of the above structures.
    • 1. Definition of Marketing
    • 2. Prior Authorizations
    • 3. Opt-out/Opt-In Provisions
    • 4. Disclosure of Marketing Arrangements
    • 5. Special Case Marketing Considerations- Minors and “Sensitive” Information
    • 6. Regulations of Methods


  • A. Whether the current structure of fundraising coverage under the rule should be continued.
  • B. Consideration of various specific recommendations that, if adopted, would revise or clarify provisions under any of the above structures.
    • 1. If current system retained, should the list of approved demographic information for release be amended to include the name of doc and/or dept in which the patient was seen.
    • 2. If the current system is replaced with one requiring prior authorization for fundraising, should the authorization form be simplified for fundraising?
12:00 p.m. Adjourn Mr. Rothstein