Recommendation Letter-Updated Recommendations for Immediate Action on ICD-11
NCVHS-ICD-11- recommendations-for-HHS (Sept 10 2021) Final 508S
NCVHS-ICD-11- recommendations-for-HHS (Sept 10 2021) Final 508S
NCVHS recommendations on Operating Rules-FINAL-11-24-2020 508
Recommendation Letter-Adoption of New Pharmacy Standard Under HIPAA-April 22, 2020 508
NCVHS Recommendation Letter-HHS Actions to Improve the Adoption of Standards Under HIPAA- December 2019
Recommendation Letter-Preparing for Adoption of ICD-11 as a Mandated US Health Data Standard final
NCVHS Comment on Federal Data Strategy Draft Action Plan
Letter to the Secretary-Improving Privacy Protection for Health Information not Subject to HIPAA Regulations