Workgroup Charge
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) is seeking analysis and recommendations from the Committee specific to the collection of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and social determinants of health (SDOH) data. This page defines the charge and membership associated with the establishment of a Workgroup to Assess SOGI and SDOH Data and Measures Definitions, Collection, Use and Protection under the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics.
Specifically, the charge to the Workgroup is to:
- Identify considerations and options to define methodologically sound categories for framing sources of these data, e.g., survey, administrative, clinical, vital records, and public health surveillance.
- Identify specific domains of SOGI and SDOH data that should be collected by data category, including suggestions for prioritization among the domains in the case that limited data can be collected.
- Conduct an assessment of best practices for how these data should be collected, including findings on specific data elements, data standards, the order of questions, public trust and any other findings regarding options or alternatives to improve HHS’ ability to improve data equity and aid equitable evidence-based decision-making.
- Provide findings to the full Committee about specific privacy considerations for use and linkage of SOGI and SDOH data in each setting – including findings regarding specific privacy considerations for potential use of SOGI and SDOH data, such as administrative (e.g., program enrollment), clinical, public health, and research purposes.
ASPE will provide guidance in concert with the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) to the Workgroup to prioritize sequencing of the tasks, which involves two distinct types of data and measures – SOGI and SDOH.
The Workgroup will consist of at least 4 NCVHS members – 2 members serving as co-chairs and the remaining to serve as members at large. Other non-governmental expert consultants may be invited to participate in Workgroup meetings as determined appropriate by the Workgroup co-chairs and DFO.
The Workgroup Co-chairs will present updates and relevant materials to NCVHS for discussion, deliberation and consideration at meetings of the full Committee, and for guiding development of any recommendations to be issued by the full Committee.