Subcommittee Charge
The Subcommittee on Privacy, Confidentiality and Security monitors major developments with regard to health information privacy, confidentiality and security on behalf of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, and identifies issues and opportunities for investigation. The Subcommittee also makes recommendations to the full Committee and assists the Department in its administration of the privacy and security provisions of the Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 1996 (P.L. 104-191).
Specifically, the Subcommittee will:
- Identify opportunities and issues in health information privacy, confidentiality and security for Committee attention.
- Through public hearings and other means, serve as a forum on health information privacy, confidentiality and security matters for the public, employers, the health industry, the privacy and security community, Standards Development Organizations, the research community, State and local government, and others.
- Based upon public hearings, consultation and analysis, make recommendations to the full Committee and assist the Department in its administration of the privacy and security provisions of P.L. 104-191.
- Make recommendations to the full Committee on strategies to promote the development and adoption of sound health information privacy, confidentiality, and security policies and practices. These strategies may include public information and education efforts, as well as research and development.
- Provide recommendations to HHS on Departmental and other governmental initiatives, such as the establishment of electronic health information exchanges.
- Monitor privacy, confidentiality and security legislation and the implementation of regulations.
- Assist the NCVHS chair in the preparation of testimony and reports to the Secretary and the Congress.
- Collaborate with other NCVHS subcommittees on matters of mutual interest and concern.