Testimony by Linda Fischetti for the July 26-27, 2006 NCVHS Ad-Hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

Introduction Thank you for inviting me to participate in this important NCVHS NHIN Work Group hearing. My name is Linda Fischetti and I am the Director of HealthePeople in the Office of Information of the Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. The VHA runs the largest healthcare system in the United States, treating over…

Testimony by Jon McBride for the July 26-27, 2006 NCVHS Ad-Hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics July 26, 2006 Washington D.C.  I would like to thank the Committee for this opportunity; it is an honor and a privilege to again provide my thoughts on the National Health Information Network (NHIN), especially as it relates to commercial health plans and the proposed NHIN requirements.  My name…

Testimony by Jason DuBois for the July 26-27, 2006 NCVHS Ad-Hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

Statement of The American Clinical Laboratory Association Before The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Hearing on Functional Requirements for the National Health Information Network Jason DuBois, Vice President July 27, 2006 The Nationwide Health Information Network’s use case (lab results) and broader electronic health record needs Statement of The American Clinical Laboratory Association…

Testimony by Don Mon for the July 26-27, 2006 NCVHS Ad-Hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) Testimony at the Hearing on Functional Requirements for The Nationwide Health Information Network National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) July 26-27, 2006 Opening Comments Good morning, chairman Cohn, members of the Committee, and fellow participants.  My name is Don Mon, vice president for practice leadership…

FDA presentation for the July 26-27, 2006 NCVHS Ad-Hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) on functional requirements for the National Health Information Network (NHIN). The following describes functional capacities needed so that FDA systems that promote patient safety and prevent adverse events can be available to patients…

Transcript of the July 26, 2006 NCVHS Ad-hoc Workgroup on the Nationwide Health Information Network Hearing

[This Transcript is Unedited] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Hearing on the Functional Requirements for the Nationwide Health Information Network July 26, 2006 Hamilton Crowne Plaza Hotel 1001 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Proceedings by: CASET Associates, Ltd. 10201 Lee Highway, suite 180 Fairfax, Virginia 22030…

Transcript of the June 22, 2006 NCVHS Full Committee Meeting

[This Transcript is Unedited] Department of Health and Human Services National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Full Committee June 22, 2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Building Room 505A 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Proceedings by: CASET Associates, Ltd. 10201 Lee Highway, suite 180 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (703) 352-0091 TABLE OF CONTENTS Call to…

Minutes of the June 21-22, 2006 NCVHS Full Committee Meeting

Department of Health and Human Services NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS June 21-22, 2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Building Washington, D.C. MEETING MINUTES The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics was convened on June 21-22, 2006 at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building in Washington, D.C. The meeting was open to the public. Present:…

Transcript of the June 21, 2006 NCVHS Full Committee Meeting

[This Transcript is Unedited] Department of Health and Human Services National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Full Committee June 21, 2006 Hubert H. Humphrey Building Room 505A 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Proceedings by: CASET Associates, Ltd. 10201 Lee Highway, suite 180 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (703) 352-0091 PARTICIPANTS Jeff S. Blair, MBA…

Written Testimony Submitted by Mary St.Pierre of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) for the April 5, 2006 Subcommittee on Standards and Security Hearing

March 29, 2006 Jeffry Blair Harry Reynolds National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Humphrey Building, Room 440-D 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC, 20201 Chairmen, The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) advocates for the needs of the over 10,000 Medicare certified home health and hospice providers, as well as the thousands…